Sunday, August 2, 2009

NY Return

I've been back in the city for about a week now, and have just been so caught up that I haven't been able to sit down. I tried writing an entry on the train ride back from VT last Sunday, but the less than comfortable ride just produced rubbish and its stored away in the recesses of a folder. Perhaps I'll revisit it later.

The BBBB has gotten to being about 70% completed, and hopefully I'll have it done very soon. Just a few more inches of the stockinette and then I get to finish off with the seed stitch. I have to say, I'm sort of looking forward to the 20 rows of alternation. After knitting 53 times and then purling 53 times, I now zone out as I'm doing the rows on occasion.

I had the great chance to grab some yarn from a friend of mine that is moving. Being only a winter knitter and not wanting to take her entire stash with her, she gave me the opportunity to rifle through what she had and take my pick. I'll have to sit down and take inventory and put the stash section on Ravelry to some good use.

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